Fresno Cops Shoot Suspect Armed With a Knife in Front of Police Station

1 year ago

* (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) *
Fresno, California — On Saturday, March 18, 2023, at 11:06 pm, a Fresno Police sergeant and officer parked their patrol cars in the south parking lot of the Southwest District patrol station. While parked, they observed a man, later identified as 33-year-old Coy Jackson, near the south vehicle entrance gate to the patrol station. When the sergeant and officer exited their patrol cars, they walked over to speak with Jackson. Jackson had his hands in his pockets. The sergeant and officer asked Jackson to show his hands, however Jackson did not comply.

Jackson then told them, “I have a knife in it” and removed a large hunting knife from his right pocket. While holding the knife, Jackson started walking south, keeping his focus on the officers. Both the sergeant and officer repeatedly ordered Jackson to drop the knife, however he refused to comply and continued walking. A police corporal, who was inside the police station, overhead the radio broadcast and exited the station to assist. Jackson, still armed with the knife, took a quick step toward the sergeant and all three discharged their firearms. Jackson was transported to CRMC where he was pronounced deceased.

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0:00 - Bodycam: Officer #1
1:05 - Bodycam: Sergeant #2

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