“Do atheists exist?” This Christian’s insulting answer

1 year ago

Like and subscribe. This is an archive channel, i'm not the owner of the content, check the link in the end. Christian apologist Frank Turek never fails to use overly-literal interpretations of the bible to paint non-Christians as psychologically broken and morally bankrupt.

Here I respond to a recent video from Frank Turek’s Cross Examined channel. Drawing from Romans 1, he explains his understanding of the psychology of atheism. It’s… rather insulting. From the unfalsifiable nature of his claims, to his apparent outgroup bias, to the fundamentalist-like literalism of his interpretation of the bible, issues abound in his video. This video isn’t meant to proselytize for atheism, but rather to call for complexity and empathy in interfaith dialogue.

Video on outgroup bias in dialogue on religion:
“Why Christian Responses to Deconstruction Are So Predictable”

Thanks to NonStampCollector for his contribution!
His channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/NonStampCollector


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-------------------------------------------Resources for atheists in need-------------------------------------------

Find a Secular Therapist: https://www.seculartherapy.org

Recovering from Religion helps connect those who are leaving or have left their religion with support, resources and community: https://www.recoveringfromreligion.org/#rfr-welcome

Resources for Ex-Mu’s: https://exmuslims.org/join-us/

This video contains 100% therapeutic grade skepticism.*

*This statement has not been evaluated by the FDA

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