Introducing Health U Project Tearing Down Traditional Healthcare Models

1 year ago

Dr Gaston Cornu Labat and Dr Hilde De Smet join Pastor Greg to introduce Health U Project Something is calling you to this website, a sense that things can be different for you and maybe for those around you. Honor this calling with your deepest sense of love and compassion and move on with this program. HealthUProject is a very exciting opportunity that opens up for you to make a big difference in your life.

Throughout the HealthUProject Education Program all health related topics are presented to you in a new light, shifting perspectives (a bit in some and a lot in others) so as to allow you to step out of the way you engage with your health and well being. Stepping out allows you to see it for what it is, and from this place of understanding be able to decide if you choose for things to stay as they are or utilize the tools from this Program to have a much higher quality of life.

To obtain a higher quality of life and happiness your body must be in harmony. When you are out of harmony, you are out of ease, or, in dis-ease. This Program will show you those factors that are currently taking you out of harmony and will teach you gradually those that can bring you back into harmony. This course will also show you how to align all aspects of your being (body, emotions, mind and spiritual connection), so that all your systems work together in unity for optimal health.

We at HealthUProject will not be telling you at any point what you need to do with your life, we do not presume to possess such knowledge; only you have it. However, based on our extensive collective experience and expertise in the matter, we will be able to share with you where different paths and approaches in health and well-being are likely to lead. This understanding will allow you to decide which way to go. We will provide you with a map, showing you a way which has proven great success. The rest is, has always been, and will always be up to you.

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