Live in the present!

1 year ago

Do you find yourself getting wrapped up in past thoughts and worry of what might happen in the future?

We all do it. It’s our thoughts, drifting minds, past regrets and future anxieties that jeopardise our present moment happiness
🧘‍♀️Try this: take a moment to PAUSE, deep breath in that pause, and be aware of the pause 🧘‍♀️

Life happens here and now in this present moment. Life is nothing more than a series of present moments.

Remember: The only important time is NOW, the PRESENT. This is where everything happens. Everything we feel and sense takes place in the present. The past is nothing more than all present moments that have been and gone. The future is just a collection of all present moments waiting to happen. We can’t control our past or future events and we mustn’t wish back the past or resist the future.

Stop worrying over what’s been and might be. Live life in the present, accept life as it is; of course have HUGE goals and MASSIVE dreams, learn from the past and plan for the future in this present moment!! ❤️

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