5 Misconceptions Bible Skeptics Spread About The New Testament (feat. Dr. Bart Ehrman)

1 year ago

Like and subscribe. This is an archive channel, i'm not the owner of the content, check the link in the end. Here Dr. Bart Ehrman joins me to discuss common misconceptions about the New Testament and early Christianity. The misconceptions are:

“The First Council of Nicaea canonized the New Testament”

“The valley of Gehenna was a place where Jerusalem burned its trash, which is how it got its fiery image”

The Nag Hammadi library was buried out of fear of violent persecution from the proto-orthodox, as evidenced by Athanasius of Alexandria laying out a list of orthodox books very similar to contemporary New Testament canons”

“The “Gnostics” were a specific sect of Christians which had their own congregations far apart from other Christians”

“The narrative of Jesus’ virgin birth, the celebration of his birth on December 25th, his 12 followers, dying for world peace, etc. was lifted from the Roman religion of Mithraism”

Check out and sign up for Dr. Ehrman’s webinar here (thanks for the support!):

Check out my last video with Bart Ehrman:
4 Misconceptions Christians Spread About The New Testament (feat. Dr. Bart Ehrman)


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