Fun And Fun Vision Therapy Exercise | Vision Therapy

1 year ago

In this video I share a fun at-home visio exercise that is most appropriate for kids...but hey If you are an adult and wish to try it, give it a go! :)

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Dr. Julie is also a published author! “Living the INNERGIZED Life - Transforming Ordinary Moments into Extra-Ordinary Memories” includes stories by women, one of which is Dr. Julie Steinhauer, who have found a way to transcend the craziness of day-to-day living, choosing to navigate life by connecting to what they define as their Higher Power, Inner Knowing or God-Source.

Copyright 2022, Vision For Life & Success, Ltd. All Rights Reserved. Unauthorized copying, reproduction or republication without express permission is prohibited. This video is for informational and educational purposes only and is not a diagnosis. All therapy exercises should not be used without the proper supervision of a trained professional after a full diagnostic exam.

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