2023-05-10, GESARA Talk Show 120 - Wednesday

1 year ago

May 10, 2023, The GESARA Talk Show 120 - Wednesday
Duration: 2:42:26

Host: Peter Walker (Cologne, Germany)

0:00:00 Introduction, look back at Coronation Special
0:02:12 Coronation Oath signed in black.
0:07:15 Insider Summary
0:09:24 Tucker on Twitter.
0:13:00 Camilla was wearing a mask
0:16:14 The Coronation Oath of 1688 has been reaffirmed, part of 1688 Bill of Rights!
0:29:22 Committee of 300 responsible for 3 million deaths, and much more.
0:32:06 Guardians of the Galaxy 3 explaining what happens to the children.
0:36:30 Negumak Alien species
0:39:24 Legal case, lots of positive things to happen, bill of rights.
0:42:56 Coronation issues, Lords and parliament have no new status.
0:49:49 Peter at a funeral, talked to lawyers about UCC, etc.
0:53:10 Trump rape case
0:56:21 GESARA News
1:15:58 Q&A Section
1:17:01 Kirsten: RV could be sooner… Martial Law, Biden. May 26?
1:26:42 Darren: Gov. corrupt, military divided. Patience is needed…
1:46:42 Derek: Could be sooner than we all thought. Aliens in Sci-Fi
1:38:03 DéLise: We are at war. Israel.
1:58:34 Kirsten: I hate thinking, lets believe the government! Negative is gone.
2:06:56 Darren: Negumak is critical for Galactic Federation.
2:08:46 Wrapping up.
2:09:33 Bonus: REAFFIRMED | Coronation Oath Has Stood For Centuries And Is Enshrined in LAW!
2:42:30 End.


Peter Walker summarized the Coronation by saying that the black ink signature of King Charles on the Coronation Oath reaffirmed the 1688 Bill of Rights, invalidating legislation from the government, which was the reason the White Hats allowed the Coronation to go ahead. Pat Bishop then added that there is a group called the Peacekeepers who explain this thoroughly and it is useful for anyone dealing with councils or any issue where they claim the Bill of Rights is outdated. That video is the bonus after the show.

Peter Walker suggested that people should have the right to choose, Pat Bishop, UK discussed the new Bill of Rights and Derek Betts mentioned the Galactic Federation and the Negumak, a species of advanced technology. Pat Bishop, UK also mentioned a movie, Guardians of the Galaxy, which may have a hidden message about children being experimented on. Peter Walker suggested that the actors should not be punished for their roles and Derek Betts mentioned the case of a police officer who committed suicide.

Derek Betts and Pat Bishop discussed the implications of the coronation and the Queen's death in 2018, which means that all legislation passed since then is unlawful. They also discussed the possibility of the US and UK governments using the same strategy of incriminating Trump and Biden to incriminate the King.

Peter Walker suggested that the group move on to the news and discussed the global currency reset, the emergency broadcast system, the Deep State's plan, and the Supreme Court's decision on the Brunson case. He also mentioned the Zimbabwe gold coin going international, the crypto currency crash, the US, Canada, Europe, UK, Israel, Taiwan, Australia, and New Zealand being insolvent, the end of Title 42, and the possibility of a military takeover. He concluded by mentioning the Metaverse, a virtual reality world where people will be controlled and unable to have a political opinion that is opposite to the faith's book.

Peter Walker and Kirsten C. discuss the coronation, military divisions, and the need for patience when working on a big project. Darren Swink adds his input about the need for expediency in the aircraft industry and Michael Jaco's opinion on the need for the White Hats to make public arrests. They also mention the need for competent technicians and the 5th dimensional war.

Darren Swink believes that the White Hats have been threatened with a planet-killing virus, and are trying to make sure it never gets released. He also believes that the deep state doesn't care about laws and will do another fraudulent election if it goes to the next election cycle. Derek Betts believes that the RV will happen sooner than expected, and that the Negumak are a positive species that the Galactic Federation of Worlds wants on their side.

The Biden administration has brought back a Trump-era immigration rule the day before Title 42 is scheduled to sunset, which could have encouraged a wave of illegal immigration into the US. Peter Walker and Kirsten C. discussed the tribunals that are expected to take place in the middle of summer and the possibility of martial law being announced worldwide. They also discussed the ne Negumak creatures coming to remove the grays and the portals being made positive only.

Kirsten and Peter discussed the Galactic Federation of Worlds and the Negumak, a species feared throughout the galaxy. Darren discussed the importance of the Galactic Federation and the potential fear of the Negumak if they were to come to Earth.

Getting started on the GESARA Show

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