End of the line: in all ways, we are out of time!

1 year ago

#narcissistic #narcissism #narcissisticmother

When its time it's time, too many now are sitting ducks when it is time to jump off! They are walking prey, people pleasing, comfort zoners that lack the experience and the get-up to survive. For this reason, they need safety provided, and codependency is their theme. They most of the adventure available to them, and in the end, they just live with regret and acceptance they become nothing and skillless. Worse, they become deceivers and scam artists. They have no code, no drive, no morality, no conscious, and no experience, they just try to mosquito off of anything they can!!!! Don't be the mosquito, be the man (or woman). Yes, you get bit, but man the existence is incomparable.

Things are really coming to a head, the truth, the world, the battle between good people and control-freaks it is really coming down to the line. Many things in fact, and we just watching the clock now.. .


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