Zimbabwean African calls out America's Transgender Agenda, Foreign Policies, & contradicts BLM

1 year ago

Zimbabwean African calls out America's Transgender Agenda, Foreign Policies, & Exposes BLM and their anti-nuclear family and their Transgender community push in Africa and across the World via USAID money.

Fox has a show called FOX SOUL which in this video has a clip where they discuss Black Trans Lives matter....and this was on a Fox affiliated YouTube channel.

Clip from Heritage Foundation exposes BLM as trained Anti-Christian Marxists.

Excerpts from BLM's on website detailing what the organization stands against like Christianity, Nuclear Family, Patriarchal society, social norms, and anything that is anti-Black Transgenderism, also BLM references no age limit in participation in their activities which mean they groom and indoctrinate children and encourage transgenderism.

Zuby nails it at the end by exposing BLM in understandable terms as a money laundering operation to divide people. "It's regressive."

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