The best-selling Western jet is French if you exclude the F-35.

1 year ago

Rafale means “slow burn.” This French jet is over 20 years old. It is a multipurpose jet fighter that can carry a large weapon payload. It is designed for both dog fights and bombing missions. It can fly by both land and aircraft carrier. The French previously deployed the Rafale in Afghanistan, Libya, Mali and Syria. However, it lacks stealth and advanced sensor technology that exists on the F-35.
With sanctions affecting Russia, and increased military spending in Europe and Asia, France is selling a lot of Rafales. Many are going to the UAE and Indonesia. The company that manufacturers the jet, Dassault Aviation, is in talks with India and Colombia. The company has sold, or has on order, 453 Rafales. 60% of these are exports. Contrast this with Lockheed that has delivered 920 F-35s and has 444 on order.
France holds an 11% share of the global arms exports market versus 7.1% in 2017.
Works Cited:
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