Reversing High School Civic Ignorance

1 year ago

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Reversing High School Civic Ignorance
Dave Racer - CEO, Alethos Press

Friends of Freedom Hub’s Wednesday Health Biz & Politics show may recall Mr. Racer’s past presentation about the “gas station goal” of price transparency, where people could compare surgery prices just as they do with gas station prices. He’s also written lots of books on health care, including “Passion for Patients”.

Just as patients lack the knowledge to negotiate the perilous health cartel landscape, people are too often uninformed when it comes to how we should be organizing and running our society – so we have a Constitutional Republic that is beneficial for all. So, Mr. Racer started a Student Senate program to make better citizens, just as he wants better-informed patients.

His project, now going national, is sorely needed. The “Nation’s Report Card” just found that only 13% of 8th graders scored proficiently in history. Civics scores also dropped. Of course, the declines in both subjects were blamed on Covid’s remote learning.

Student Senate provides hands-on training in critical thinking, debating, oral and written communications, strategizing, and negotiation, through its mock-legislative structure and procedures. On April 26, Fox 9 News in the Twin Cities awarded Dave Racer a “Top Teacher of the Year” award because of the success of this program. Now he wants to share it with liberty-minded teachers across the country.

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