Ep. 03 Divine Lunch Hour with Joan of Angels | Calling All Angels

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Welcome Joan of Angels, as we discuss all things angels.
Joan of Angels is the Oracle of Ancient Wisdom, with a soul mission to help you REMEMBER who you truly are, unlock your highest potential and support you as you step into your sovereignty. Also known as Dr Joan Hangarter, she is as a Doctor of Chiropractic and earned an MS in Counseling. She acts as an Oracle, Energetic Healer, and Spiritual Advisor to help you rewire your subconscious mind, release fear, and step into your true mastery and highest potential. Currently, she acts as the Executive Producer of Portal to Ascension and takes people on sacred journeys.
She has been channeling Earth Messengers Angelic Beings who are here to assist humanity ever since she was instructed to paint 33 angels in 30 days; she is renowned for her visionary art and soul essence portraits. Once she connected to the angelic and galactic realms, she was gifted the name, Joan of Angels.

Visit her website at www.joanofangels.com and receive your free ebook on living your soul-filled purpose.

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