LIVE INDIA OUTREACH 051123 51 Salvations 33 Healing Testimonies Deliverance Prayer

1 year ago

Dear pastor Greg Young we thank and Praise God that we had a very blessed meeting where so many people came and around 51 people accepted Jesus Christ after hearing your testimony and 33 people were healed and delivered with your prayers, many were filled with the Holy Spirit. After outreach meeting we provided meal to all the people. We are praying for your pastor Greg Young that God would use you more for His glory in India. We are praying for Chosen Generation Ministry and all our brothers and sisters who have been giving sacrificially for different Ministries of India like Bible School Ministry,orphans children ministry, pastors Ministry, bore wells ministry,Sewing Centres Ministry,Widows and poor, Grocery distribution ministry and outreach ministry in India. We are so blessed to have Pastor Greg Young as our Spiritual mentor, leader and overseer.
If God is Putting in your heart to join us in India ministry than you can contact directly with pastor Greg Young
God bless you

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