Episode #36 (Pt. 1) The Push to Decriminalize Pedophilia via the Trans Movement. Guest: Erin Holmes

1 year ago

Most people are unaware that one of the dark "special interests" using the Trans Movement to accomplish their desired ends are Pedophiles and their apologists, those pushing the false narrative of "Non-offending Minor Attracted Persons" (MAPs). What are their goals? The "destigmatizing," normalization, and legitimization of "Minor Attraction" (Pedophilia), and the granting of federal civil rights protection for pedophiles via adding the 'P' (Pedophile), to the ever-growing list of alphabet letters in the LGBTQ+++.
That that isn't happening? Listen to this important interview, as researcher, Erin Holmes, unmasks the key organizations and academics who are working steadily and strategically toward the ultimate goal of the decriminalization of Pedophilia.

Erin Holmes' website: https://erinjholmes.com/about/
Erin Holmes'Twitter: https://twitter.com/erinjholmes
Erin Holmes' Journal Articles: https://thepublicinsight.org/

UnMaskingTheTransMovement YouTube Channel: @UnMaskingTheTransMovement
Website: https://unmaskingthetransmovement.com/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/uhler_jon
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@UChcaIq3H1m8bmDFO3GedE_g

Jon K. Uhler's first interview about Sam Brinton, after news broke of Sam Brinton's first luggage theft: 'The Dangers of Promoting Sexually Deviant Men into Positions of Power.' https://youtu.be/OHbpZTCzQZE

Jon K. Uhler's interview on TECN.TV, after news broke of Sam Brinton's second arrest for stealing women's luggage and underwear:
The Profile of the Sophisticated Perpetrator: A Sex Offender Treatment Provider Assessment: https://youtu.be/XvrTa4079DM

UK version of 'The Profile of the Sophisticated Perpetrator: A Sex Offender Treatment Provider Assessment': https://youtu.be/QGVf4Gybspk

What Schools are Keeping from Parents: How Predators are accessing minors through the Trans Movement

For more information on the characteristics of Sophisticated Child Predators, visit: https://www.churchprotect.org/kinds-of-sexual-perpetrators

What is Grooming? (Pt. 1) Insights from a Sex Offender Treatment Professional.

To better understand the role pornography plays in the role of generating sexual predators, visit: https://www.survivorsupport.net/porn-dark-deviance

For a repository of useful information about the dangers of Trans Movement, visit the following: https://www.survivorsupport.net/the-trans-deceeption

To see the unique nature of Jon K. Uhler's forensic clinical work behind bars with incarcerated sexual predators, visit: https://www.churchprotect.org/kinds-of-sexual-perpetrators

Jon K. Uhler's full bio can be accessed at: https://www.survivorsupport.net/copy-of-recently-updated

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