2814 : 新しい日の誕生

1 year ago

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00:00 - 1. 恢复 [Recovery]

05:51 - 2. 遠​く​の​愛​好​家 [Distant Lovers]

12:09 - 3. 新​宿​ゴ​ー​ル​デ​ン​街 [Shinjuku Golden Street]

21:01 - 4. ふ​わ​っ​と [Drifting]

27:37 - 5. 悲哀 [Sorrow]

37:00 - 6. 真​実​の​恋 [True Love]

44:12 - 7. テ​レ​パ​シ​ー [Telepathy]

54:20 - 8. 新​し​い​日​の​誕​生 [Birth of a New Day]

English title translations provided by Dream Catalogue from the 2022 Vinyl 2xLP

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