Rescuing America From Border Invasion Disaster: WFFA Founder Christie Hutcherson

1 year ago

Rescuing America From Border Invasion Disaster: WFFA Founder Christie Hutcherson | Richard Sacks

Lost Arts Radio Show on Sunday 5/14/23

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We have the great privilege of visiting with Christie Hutcherson for this Sunday's show on Lost Arts Radio. Christie is the Founder of Women Fighting For America ( Her organization is in the forefront of educating Americans and the world about the essential nature of border security against illegal immigration or invasion, including what to do to reclaim an intentionally broken border, such as the southern US border in its current condition. Christie has taken on this work as a personal mission. What sets Christie and her organization apart and makes her work even more valuable is her understanding of so many connected issues that make up the larger globalist agenda, and how they all interconnect and affect our lives, stealing our God-given, inalienable rights. Her focus is on using full acknowledgement and understanding of the problem to come up with and implement solutions, saving her country before time runs out.

From her website (, "Christie Hutcherson is the Founder, President, and Spokesperson for Women Fighting for America, LLC. (WFFA). She is widely recognized as a geopolitical security expert and sought-after speaker with broad connections in the Freedom Movement. Christie is a front-line fighter for freedom. She is one of the only Americans who has traveled the entire 2,000 miles of the southern border and hundreds of miles of our forgotten northern border in her quest to save America. Christie has led 43 border missions establishing Women Fighting for America as a clear leader in exposing and fighting the corruption on our borders."

Christie's vision goes far beyond her deep understanding of the border crisis. She sees an America returned to its role as a leader by example to the world, coming from the strong foundation of a moral, courageous and wise population that honors and safeguards our God-given rights and freedoms. WFFA needs and deserves our support. Donate if you can, and follow Christie's suggested messages to send to government officials to secure the border now and stop allowing America's hijackers to corrupt the world. Listen to Christie on this weekend's show, and you'll see why I encourage us all to do our parts for the sake of humanity right now.

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Richard Sacks, Host

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