Other Worlds: The Turner Diaries,Chapter 24, A Puke (TM) Audiobook

1 year ago

Chapter Twenty-Four.

August 8, 1993. For the last four days I've been acting head of our
newly organized Department of Public Resources, Utilities,
Services, and Transportation (PRUST) for southern California. It is
a strictly temporary position, and within the next 10 days I will
turn the post over to another engineer, one of the group of
volunteers I've been working with during the last two weeks. He
will have the able assistance of a number of local people who were
formerly employed either by one of the state, county, or municipal
agencies here or by one of the private utility companies, and I have
confidence he'll be able to iron the remaining bugs out of the
With more than half the key people back at work here now, things
are beginning to run almost normally. We have restored electricity,
water, sewage treatment, rubbish collection, and W telephone
service to all the occupied areas now-although electricity is strictly
rationed. We have even put about 50 gasoline stations back in
operation, and those civilians whose work assignments give them
priority status can obtain fuel for their automobiles.
PRUST covers our whole enclave, all the way from Vandenberg
to the Mexican border, and I've done a lot of traveling to survey
the needs and resources of the various areas and to get everything
roughly coordinated. I'm really very pleased with what we've been
able to accomplish in such a short time. Next to the military and to
the Department of Food, PRUST has the most essential function to
perform and employs the most workers of all the agencies we've
set up here.
One of the most interesting aspects of my work has been setting
up the interfacing with the Department of Food. They produce the
food; we transport it, store it, and distribute it. There were several
problems to be worked out, primarily because a certain amount of
the food which is produced does not go directly from the fields to
the distribution points but is processed first.

This means that the
Department of Food needs to concern itself to a certain extent with
storage and transportation from field to processing plant, before
PRUST takes over the responsibility. Also DF has a specialized
transportation need in moving its
workers from their living quarters to the fields and back.
I have had to familiarize myself with DF's whole operation in
order to decide the best way to define our respective
responsibilities. I am very impressed by what I have seen. They
have mobilized more than 600,000 workers-about a quarter of the
entire productive segment of the population under our control -for
the production of food. Between 10 and 15 per cent of these
workers are those Whites who were originally in farming or
ranching in this area. Nearly a third are young volunteers in the
12 to 18 age range. The rest are people from urban areas who
formerly worked in non-essential occupations and have now been
assigned to work crews under DF's supervision.
Many in the last group are now doing the first really productive
work in their lives. This means DF is performing an important
function of social rehabilitation as well as food production, and our
Department of Education is working closely with DF on this.
Every worker receives ten hours of lectures each week, and he is
graded not only on his general attitude toward his work and on his
productivity but also on his responsiveness to these lectures.
There is a continual sifting process going on, with workers being
reassigned to new work groups on the basis of attitude and
performance in their previous groups. In this way there are already
beginning to emerge from the general mass the first leader-trainee
work groups. From the latter will be selected candidates for
Organization membership.
On several occasions during my tour of DF's operation I stopped
to talk with workers in the fields. The morale varied considerably
from the groups with a high proportion of former social parasites
to the leader-trainee groups, but nowhere could it be called poor.

Everyone has been made to understand that, despite the
dislocations and the hardships caused by the revolution, we are
now sure that there will be enough food to go around-but those
who will not work will not eat either.
My most profound impression comes from the fact that every face
I saw in the fields was White: no Chicanos, no Orientals, no
Blacks, no mongrels. The air seems cleaner, the sun brighter, life
more joyous. What a wonderful difference this single
accomplishment of our revolution has made.
And the workers all feel the difference too, whether they are
ideologically with us or not. There is a new feeling of solidarity
among them, of kinship, of unselfish cooperation to complete a
common task.
Most of the news reports from other parts of the country are very
cheering to us. Although the System is still holding on, it is only
doing so through increasingly open and brutal repression. The
entire country is under martial law, and the government is relying
heavily on hastily armed and deputized Black goon squads to keep
the White civilian population intimidated. Half the System's
regular military units are still confined to their barracks as
Conditions are deteriorating nearly everywhere. Power outages,
transportation and communications breakdowns, terror bombings,
food shortages, assassinations, and massive industrial sabotage are
plaguing the System and helping to maintain the general unrest.
The Organization's action units are doing a heroic job, but their
losses are heavy. Their only aim now is to maintain the pressure on
the System and the general population by striking at every
available target again and again and again, without letup.
From the new volunteers who are slipping into our area through
the enemy lines at a growing rate, we get a consistent story about the
effect the chaotic conditions are having on people.

The White
liberals and the minorities are screaming hysterically for the
government to "do something"; the conservatives are moaning,
wringing their hands, and deploring the "irresponsibility" of it all;
and the "average Joes" are becoming more and more exasperated
with everyone concerned: us, the System, the Blacks, and the
various liberal and conservative spokesmen. They just want a
return to "normalcy"-and their accustomed comforts-as soon as
The System propagandists are making a big thing out of our
forced evacuation of non-Whites and our summary liquidation of
race-criminals and other hostile and degenerate elements here. It's
not having the desired effect, however, except among the liberals
and the minorities. The bulk of the population is too preoccupied
with its own problems at the moment to shed a tear for "the victims
of racism."
The biggest fly in our ointment is northern California. Things are
completely out of control there. General Harding has really
botched the situation. It serves us right for having anything to do
with a conservative; he, like all the rest, was standing behind the
door when the brains were passed out, and so he got a double dose
of pigheadedness to make up for it. (Note to the reader: Turner is
referring to Lt. Gen. Arnold Harding, commander of Travis Air
Force Base, which was located about halfway between San
Francisco and Sacramento. Harding's role in the Great Revolution,
though important, lasted only 11 weeks; he was finally
assassinated by an Organization team on September 16, 1993, after
several earlier attempts failed.)
If the situation in the San Francisco-Sacramento area doesn't
improve soon, we're likely to be involved in a civil war against the
troops under Harding. The System would really love that. The only
thing Harding has done right so far was breaking with Washington
during the first week of our July 4 offensive, as soon as it became
clear that the System had lost its grip in California.

On his own
initiative he declared an independent military government in northern
California and got nearly all the other officers in military
units stationed there (except our own undercover military people,
of course) to go along with him.
Revolutionary Command made the strictly practical decision to
let General Harding carry the ball in his area, and our people were
instructed not to oppose him. This had the effect of substantially
reducing our own losses, although the military has actually
suffered many more casualties in northern California than in the
south. This is because Harding has failed to take sufficiently
radical measures to consolidate his authority and to deal with
Black military personnel.
And he has failed utterly to get the civilian population under
control-again, because he seems unable to understand the necessity
for radical measures. The Jews and the other Bolshevik elements in
San Francisco are running circles around him, and the Chicanos in
the Sacramento area have been rioting more or less continuously
for a month.
When a delegation of Organization people went to Harding last
month and suggested a joint Organization-military rule for
northern California, with Harding's forces handling defense
matters and the Organization handling civilian matters - including
police functions-Harding arrested them and has refused to release
them. Since then he has been issuing idiotic proclamations about
"restoring the Constitution," stamping out "communism and
pornography," and holding new elections to "re-establish the
republican form of government intended by the Founding Fathers,"
whatever that means.
And he has denounced our radical measures in the south as
"communism." He is appalled that we didn't hold some sort of
public referendum before expelling the non-Whites and that we
didn't give individual trials to the Jews and race-criminals we dealt
with summarily.

Doesn't the old fool understand that the American people voted
themselves into the mess they're in now? Doesn't he understand
that the Jews have taken over the country fair and square, according
to the Constitution? Doesn't he understand that the
common people have already had their fling at self-government,
and they blew it?
Where does he think new elections can possibly lead now, with
this generation of TV-conditioned voters, except right back into the
same Jewish pigsty? And how does he think we could have solved
our problems down here, except by the radical measures we used?
Doesn't Harding understand that the chaos in his area will
continue to grow worse until he identifies the categories of people
responsible for that chaos and deals with them categorically-that it
is physically impossible, considering the relative numbers
involved, for him to deal with the Jews, the Blacks, the Chicanos,
and the other troublesome elements on an individual basis?
Apparently not, because the idiot is still making appeals to
"responsible" Black leaders and to "patriotic" Jews to help him
restore order. Harding, like conservatives in general, can't bring
himself to do what must be done, because it would mean punishing
the "innocent" along with the "guilty," the "good" Negroes and the
"loyal" Jews along with the rest-as if those terms had any meaning
in the present context. And so, afraid of treating individuals
"unjustly," he is floundering around helplessly while everything
goes to hell and the civilians in his area die like flies from
starvation. Generals should be made of sterner stuff.
The one advantage to us from the situation in the north is the
flood of White refugees it has brought us. More people have been
coming into our area in the last two weeks to get away from the
anarchy around San Francisco than have been slipping through the
System's lines from the rest of the country.
And, while they last, it is interesting to have living, breathing
examples of three types of social orders simultaneously before us:
in the north, a conservative regime; to the east, liberal-Jewish
democracy; and here, the beginning of a whole new world rising
out of the ruins of the old.

August 23. Tomorrow I leave for Washington again.
I have been at Vandenberg for four days learning how nuclear warheads work.
I am in charge of a group which will hand-carry four 60-kiloton
warheads to Washington for concealment in key locations around
the capital.
Approximately 50 other men-all members of the Order-were
trained with me, and each of them has a similar mission as a group
leader. That means a total of about 200 warheads to be dispersed
around the country initially, with more to follow later.
All the warheads are identical; they were removed from a
stockpile of 240-mm artillery projectiles our people found here.
They've been slightly modified, so they can be detonated by coded
radio signals. They will be our insurance, in case we lose our
missile-launch facility here.
The present mission is the hairiest one I've ever been assigned. It
will be a lot tougher than blowing up the FBI headquarters two
years ago. Five of us must make our way through 3,500 miles of
enemy territory, carrying four nuclear bombs weighing a total of
just over 520 pounds, without getting caught. Then we have to
sneak them into areas that will be heavily guarded and conceal
them, so that there is a negligible chance of their being found.
Aside from the dangers involved, which tie my guts in knots
whenever I think about them, I have mixed feelings about this
mission. On the one hand, I hate to leave California. Being a
participant in the birth of our new society hers has been
tremendously exciting and rewarding for me, and our work is just
beginning. New projects are being launched every day, and I want
to be a part of them. We are laying the foundations here for the
new social order which will serve our race for the next thousand
And to be able to live and work in a sane, healthy, White man's
world-that is something which is beyond valuation for me. These
last few weeks have been wonderful. It is terribly depressing to
think of leaving this White oasis and plunging once again into that
cesspool of mongrels and liberals and Jews and sick, twisted White liberals out there.

On the other hand, it has been more than three months since I've
seen Katherine, and it seems like a year. The one thing which has
limited my enthusiasm about what we've accomplished here is that
she hasn't been able to share it with me. And now, with the
changed situation, she and the others in Washington are living
under much more difficult conditions and in greater danger than
we here in California. Realizing that makes me feel guilty every
day I remain.
The strongest feeling I have now, however is one of
responsibility. I am both proud and awed that I, still only a
probationary member of the Order, am being entrusted with such
an important and difficult task. I must try hard to put all other
thoughts and feelings aside until it is successfully completed.
During the last four days I have not only learned about the
structure and functioning of the warheads for which I will be
responsible, but also why this mission is vital. That involved A
lesson in strategy which has been very sobering.
The people in Revolutionary Command, with their eyes fixed
firmly on our long-range goal of total victory over the System,
have not let themselves be deluded by our gains in California and
the present difficulties the System is facing elsewhere. The grim
facts are these:
First, outside of California the System remains essentially intact,
and the disparity in numbers between the System's forces and our
own is even worse than it was before July 4. Thatch because we've
been recklessly expending our strength everywhere else in the
country to keep the System off balance long enough for us to
consolidate our gains here.
Second, despite the military forces under our control here, the
System-as soon as it has tidied up some of its present military
morale problems-will be able to pound us into the ground by
conventional means with very little trouble. The only thing that's
really kept them off us this long has been our threat of nuclear
reprisal against New York and Tel Aviv.

Third, our nuclear threat is in grave danger of being neutralized.
The System has the capability for launching a surprise first strike
against us with a high probability of knocking out all our
"hardened" launch silos before we can fire our missiles.
Revolutionary Command's intelligence sources indicate that such a
surprise strike is exactly what is being planned. The System is
holding off only until it has finished an emergency military
reorganization which will give it confidence in the political
reliability of the U.S. Army. It wants to follow up its destruction of
our nuclear capability immediately with a massive invasion which
will finish us off in a day or two.
Worse, the System has an alternative plan which calls for the
nuclear annihilation of all of southern California. It will carry out
that plan if it fails to regain complete confidence in the reliability
of its military ground forces within the next couple of weeks.
We still don't know the System's exact timetable, but we have
reports that more than 25,000 of the wealthiest and most influential
Jews and their families have quietly packed up and left the New
York area within the last ten days, most of them taking 0 only a
moderate amount of luggage with them-perhaps enough
for a two- or three-week vacation.
Thus, our entire strategy against the System has been
undermined. If we could hold the enemy off indefinitely-or even
for a year or two-with our threat of nuclear retaliation, then we
could pull him down. With California as a training and supply
base, and with a population of more than five million Whites to
recruit from, we could steadily escalate our guerrilla war
throughout the rest of the country. But without California we can't
do it-and the System knows that.
So what we must do-immediately-is to disperse a large number of
nuclear weapons outside California. We will then detonate at least
one of those weapons to convince the System that a new situation exists.

If the System attacks California after that, we will be
obligated to detonate all or most of our dispersed weapons, in an
effort to destroy the System's capability for organized resistance.
Unfortunately, much of the White population of the country is
bound to be lost if we are forced to that extremity. The country will
also be open to the danger of invasion by other nations. A grim
prospect, indeed.

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