If Muhammad Became the President

1 year ago

Like and subscribe. This is an archive channel, i'm not the owner of the content, check the link in the end. If you dislike Trump, then you should probably dislike Muhammad 100x more. Oddly, it seems some people are confused on this issue. That confusion comes from the best of intentions, I'm sure, but it is ultimately self-defeating, and allows for tolerance of the intolerable. Please check the paragraph at the end of this video for elaboration.

Because I have fewer patrons than subscribers, I'm able to actually read all their comments/messages. Also, because I know they have a definite interest in the channel, I'm much more attentive to their feedback, advice, ideas, etc. Please consider becoming my patron so that I can keep making these cartoons. I really appreciate it.
DarkMatter2525 on Patreon:

Creative Commons Music Used:
"This is Normal" by Vienna Ditto

"Gasba 3 Feat. Patriot" by Ben OThman

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