The detention of Mr. Guo has tugged at the heartstrings of fellow fighters all over the world

11 months ago

5/10/2023【Happy Birthday Miles Guo】Fellow fighters Wang Guodong: The detention of Mr. Guo has tugged at the heartstrings of fellow fighters all over the world. I wish Mr. Guo and Ms. Yvette Wang to eat well, drink well, and stay in good health! All NFSC members await your glorious return. Fellow fighter Xiangju Pangu: I believe the release of Mr. Guo will hallmark the restoration of America rule of law and the glory of the US Constitution!
#MilesGuo #HappyBirthday #takedowntheCCP #FreeMilesGuo #FreeYvetteWang
5/10/2023 【遥祝七哥生日快乐】王国栋战友: 郭先生被拘押牵动了全球战友的心,祝郭先生和王雁平女士吃好喝好,把身体养得棒棒的!战友们等着你们凯旋归来!相聚盘古战友:相信郭先生出来的那一天,就是美国法治回归的那一天,美国宪法将为此再次发光再次伟大!
#郭文贵先生 #生日快乐 #消灭中共 #释放郭文贵 #释放王雁平

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