Miles Guo is a leader who pursues justice and truth. We must learn from him!

1 year ago

5/10/2023【Happy Birthday To Miles Guo】Fellow fighter Heiye Yongshi: Mr. Miles Guo is a leader who pursues justice and truth. We must learn from brother Miles and become tough and powerful enough to face the challenges from evil. Justice will prevail!
#MilesGuo #HappyBirthday #takedowntheCCP #FreeMilesGuo #FreeYvetteWang
5/10/2023 【遥祝七哥生日快乐】战友黑夜勇士说郭文贵先生是一位追求正义和真相的领袖,我们要向七哥学习,让我们内心足够坚韧有足够多的力量来面对邪恶的挑战,让正义最终战胜不公!
#郭文贵先生 #生日快乐 #消灭中共 #释放郭文贵 #释放王雁平

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