Bishop Maxim Vasiljević Exposed

1 year ago

St. Ignatius: "If thy bishop should teach any thing outside of the appointed order, even if he lives in chastity, or if he work signs, or if he prophecy, let him be unto thee as a wolf in sheep's clothing, for he works the destruction of souls."

Bishop Maxim is a hierarch member of the International Orthodox Theological Association (IOTA), a liberal and modernist group that is working against the moral teaching of the Orthodox Church.

Bishop Maxim is one of seven "Orthodox" Bishops Who Endorse Group Pushing Homosexuality & Women's Ordination.

"Woke" fake Orthodox exposed here

The Secret Subversion of American Orthodoxy (Video)

Pro-LGBTQP "Orthodox" Exposed (My Article)

Why Abortion is Wrong (My Article)

Relevant Patristic Quotes

Update: On the Serbian Orthodox Western Diocese Facebook page, there was a post promoting a book called "Broken Bridges." Based on the description, it appears that this book promotes ecumenism, religious pluralism or religious inclusivism. This is more evidence that Bishop Maxim is not Orthodox.

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