`_.unzip` function on array using JavaScript Library underscore.js ( #shorts )

1 year ago

Hi Friends,

`_.unzip` function on array using JavaScript Library underscore.js

`_.unzip` is a utility function in Underscore.js library that allows you to convert an array of tuples into multiple arrays, each containing elements from a single position in the list.

In below example, we start with an array of lists people that we created using `_.zip`. We use `_.unzip` to reverse the operation and convert the lists back into separate arrays. The resulting `unzipped` array contains three arrays, one for each original input array.

// syntax

// example
var people = [
["Angel", 30, 68],
["Bob", 25, 72],
["Cherry", 35, 70]

var unzipped = _.unzip(people);

// [
// ["Angel", "Bob", "Cherry"],
// [30, 25, 35],
// [68, 72, 70]
// ]

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