Real Hope and Real Change - Robert F Kennedy Jr for President - RFK All The Way Episode 001

1 year ago

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. for President in 2024! On the debut episode, Matthew Tower and Lori Spencer discuss the historic campaign’s potential to catalyze systemic, revolutionary change.
We review Lori’s four primary reasons to support RFK Jr. for President:
1) Freeing Julian Assange;
2) Prosecuting Fauci, Gates, and associated cronies;
3) Ending government secrecy, and revealing the truth about both JFK and the CIA’s collaboration with Nazis; and
4) Ending USA’s proxy war against Russia in Ukraine.
We contextualize Bobby’s campaign in the history of his uncle, President John F Kennedy, and his father Robert F Kennedy’s Presidential campaign. We discuss the relevance of important works of history such as David Talbot’s The Devil’s Chessboard and James Douglass’ JFK and the Unspeakable.
Questions we explore include:
What are the lessons of the Cuban Missile Crisis, and how are those lessons still relevant to today’s Ukraine Crisis?
Is the U.S. government lying to the American public about the war, and what’s the motivation?
What should the American people do to hold President Biden accountable, who claims that we are at the highest risk of ‘Nuclear Armageddon’ since the Cuban Missile Crisis, but refuses to negotiate with the President of Russia?
How can the American people transform good guy/bad guy mental frameworks into a worldview based on conflict resolution?
Robert F Kennedy Jr’s campaign is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to dismantle the intersection of corporate, military, state, and media power that has turned the United States into a covert ‘loose fascism,’ as Matthew describes it, and restore genuine democracy. Bobby is a living profile in courage––what can we do to help?
The ‘tiny ripple of hope’ Bobby’s father spoke of is alive and well in his son’s campaign for Real Hope and Real Change.
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Special guest Lori Spencer, @RealLoriSpencer, is an independent JFK historian, journalist, and co-host of Maverick News.
Recorded April 17 2023 on a live Twitter Space, two days prior to Bobby’s historic campaign launch speech in Boston. Edited for clarity and brevity. Audio quality will be improved in future episodes.
This podcast is independent from and doesn’t speak for the campaign.

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