Feeling sad?

1 year ago

Just before bed last night it was brought to my attention about the two dogs which the MET police SHOT DEAD only a few days back! I’ve seen a few videos now, including one of the woman that seemingly put those wheels in motion.

I can’t wrap my head around it.

I feel heartbroken.

They weren’t even my dogs, I don’t know them or their guardian, so why do I feel as sad as I do?

I’m trying to unravel the emotions that this has brought up for me.

Is it because I went to sleep on the sad news…and seeing it just before I shut my eyes?

Is it because they were sentient beings?
Killed in what appeared to be cold blood?

That the screaming banshee looked to be completely manic? And it appears lied?

That the police have power AND guns?…an obvious deadly combo

What precedence has this set if folk aren't held accountable?

I’m struggling to think positively tonight for a reel as all I can see is what’s happened in my minds eye. Isn’t it ‘funny’ how something nothing to do with us can impact us so greatly at times!?!

I’m aware that I need to shake myself out of this feeling. I’m also aware that it will be nothing compared to those dogs guardian.

I know that we all get sad from time to time, and sometimes triggers can come out the blue.

So I have turned to Abraham Hicks to help get me back into the vortex and back to a positive state 🙌

⭐️If you are aware that you've been feeling more sad than happy, more overwhelmed than exhilarated, more angry than joyful…If you are leaning in those directions, what it means is you’ve been letting the environment around you train you into a vibration that is NOT natural to you.

⭐️Accept that you’re sad, just don’t wallow and let it all consume you. Acknowledge that at this moment, you are not thinking or acting, from your highest perspective. You can’t move immediately from a sad state to a state of love.

⭐️Know that your negative emotions are helping you to lead a better life. Our negative moods are just as important as our positive ones. They help us know that our current thoughts are out of alignment with our Inner Being, and show us how to move from where we are to where we want to be.

⭐️Accept those and you can then move back into alignment gradually…from negative to positive thoughts.

There is ALWAYS something to acknowledge and be thankful for. When you’re focusing on things you appreciate, you’re raising your vibration and allowing in well-being and feelings of love. The longer you hold onto that, the better you’ll feel. You can’t be focused on the negative if you’re focused on the positive. It really comes down to guiding or directing your thoughts.

If any of this helps to direct you to a more positive way of thinking give this a like, give me a follow and watch this space!


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