11May23 Border Chaos, Inside Job; Trump at CNN; FEDERAL MALIGN INFLUENCE CENTER (FIMC)

1 year ago

OUTLINE of today's show with TIMECODES
Border Chaos: An Inside Job by BOTH Parties Why is the response from Republicans NOT to stop the giant WELFARE MAGNET, but instead, a surveillance system E-Verify, to stop work?  No solutions offered, just fingerprinting and bipartisan virtue signaling about a bipartisan produced crisis 3:24
Illegal alien said they got to the border and no one was there so they just walked in.  Did Trump secure the border?  Did he build the wall?  He said he did, then said he didn't, now he says he did. 9:15
Trump at CNN — supports federalizing abortion again 15:55
Trump at CNN talks about Biden's high gas prices, but can't help from undermining himself with exaggeration and doesn't address the green agenda or "emissions" fiction 27:04
Why CNN Town Hall was a "yuge" success for Trump 32:33
Cringe Videos From Trump Rape Trial …and the cringe responses from the public.. 37:05
Trump at CNN — admits he says completely different things as a candidate than he does as President 44:12
Trump at CNN — Pence, Jan6, pardons for J6ers 48:14

RFK jr distances himself from Trump, says no to a trump ticket. 58:43
Henry Kissinger, 99 years old, says Biden's age is a big issue.  And, what happened to Diane Feinstein? Is she jab-injured? 1:03:51
The Biden crime family — web of shell corporations and relatives to hide over $10 million in foreign payments.  1:11:35
James Comer expresses concern that the DOJ will indict Hunter on relatively minor crimes in order to refuse to comment or produce evidence related to more significant crimes (as Ken Starr did with Bill Clinton) 1:17:01
Santos: While some GOP members of the House look into Biden's crimes, they ignore Santos — but Biden's prosecutors have indicted 1:22:48

INTERVIEW Texas' Digital Gold: the Good & the Bad Tony Arterburn, WiseWolf.gold. Also, Argentina, struggling with debt slavery to IMF looks to China.  And China offers an olive branch to developing countries with their Belt & Road Initiative and BRICS to establish their control.    1:30:28

Twitter labels my show as “potentially sensitive” for the first time ever and hides it.  Here's why 2:15:33

New: FEDERAL MALIGN INFLUENCE CENTER.  They IMPLY it's about protecting us from "foreign" influence, but they ADMIT it's focused on domestic surveillance 2:22:56

If it’s foreign and "other"? Domestic is the only "other" to foreign.  So the purpose is to monitor public opinion and mold it 2:29:18

DHS creates a game for training purposes, to identify "radicals"— like the middle aged woman who gets active in church and pro-life causes after her mother dies.  Obviously, an enemy of the state! 2:43:19

A lot of blood lost to keep Vietnam from becoming communist.  But Vietnam’s new censorship rules and banning of anonymity on internet begs the question: "is communist Vietnam now the model of what USA government wants us to become"? (2:53:38)

The Spies Who Rule the World — Spies & spooks that rule us have reconstituted the British Empire with the USA now included — Five Eyes 2:57:46

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