Abraham Hicks, Esther Hicks " Following impulses in the moment" Caribbean Cruise

1 year ago

Welcome to another recording! This audio was recorded in 2015, aboard the Caribbean Cruise. In this segment Abraham chooses a hot seater with a question "following impulses in the moment." Abraham jumps right in to make a case for not ignoring ones self when impulses to do arise within us. For they explain that it is our inner beings, who are guiding us in the moment for a particular purpose. And so the more we come to realize what is happening, and the more we surrender to our broader perspective the more enhanced our life experience becomes. A part of that is being steady in our vibrational stance, and asking ourselves how does that feel ? And therefore we incorporate that in our natural everyday life easily and comfortably.For further details on this recording and so much more, please visit www.abraham-hicks.com. And if you are enjoying this content please like my video, and subscribe to my channel so that I can continue to bring you this life changing material! Thank you so much for your support, I truly treasure each and every one who tunes in to these videos! #manifesting #abrahamhicks #estherhicks #manifestation #vortex #selfcare #selfhealing #selflove #lawofattraction #alignment #basking #broadcaster #innerbeing #innerguidance #thewobblefreezone #divineguidance #divine #divinetiming #selfimprovement #selfhelp #universe

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