PUPPET MASTER Visual Effects Wizard David Allen PLUS Ultimate Tunneler & Pinhead COMBO

1 year ago

We take a look at visual effects and stop motion animation wizard DAVID ALLEN with clips from his work in the Full Moon Puppet Master series.
PLUS - is David Allen's stop motion masterpiece PRIMEVAL getting a blu-ray release for 2023?
Also, we open Toulon's puppet case and examine the Ultimate Tunneler & Pinhead COMBO
from NECA and Full Moon with sculpts by Jason Frailey and fabrication by Marty Henley.
The NECA Tunneler / Pinhead combo ON SALE - https://amzn.to/3nPE9Ar
The NECA BLADE / TORCH combo - https://amzn.to/44Rkbpu
#puppetmaster #pinhead #tunneler #neca #fullmoon

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