Tucker city council meeting: Non-Discrimination Ordinance tramples on religious liberty. Stand Up.

1 year ago

Tbe city of Tucker, GA is trying to pass a Non-Discrimination Ordinance.

This non-Discrimination Ordinance will violate the First Amendment rights of all people of faith and all faith entities.

This ordinance, if passed in its current form, will trample the religious liberties of all people of faith in Tucker. It is an attempt by the city to limit the rights recognized in the First Amendment. Religious liberty is a cherished and deeply-held right across our nation. This liberty is to be respected, and it must be preserved for people of all faiths. Here are some of the problems that this ordinance will create if passed:

Will establish its own novel definition of what is a religious organization and what is not;

Will create a cloud of legal confusion as they implement an enforceable ordinance with civil penalties regarding religion without clearly defining key terms in this ordinance;

Will become the sovereign authority of whether an employee of a religious organization holds to tenets (beliefs) of a particular faith and to what degree that employee hold such tenets;

Will become the sovereign authority forcing religious organizations to hire persons that do not support the mission and message of the religious organization;

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