How Can I Tell The Difference Between Clumping Bamboo And Running Bamboo ?

1 year ago

Clumping bamboo and running bamboo are two distinct types of bamboo with significant differences in growth habits and spreading tendencies. Learn More Ocoee Bamboo Farm 407-777-4807
1. Clumping Bamboo:
* Growth Habit: Clumping bamboo, as the name suggests, tends to grow in clumps or tight clusters. It forms discrete clumps or "groves" with relatively compact growth patterns.
* Rhizome Spreading: Clumping bamboo has a non-invasive or minimally invasive rhizome system. The rhizomes (underground stems) of clumping bamboo grow horizontally, but they have limited spreading tendencies. As a result, the clumps of bamboo remain in a relatively confined area.
* Growth Rate: Clumping bamboo generally has a slower growth rate compared to running bamboo. It expands gradually over time, primarily by adding new culms (stems) near the existing clump.
* Containment: Clumping bamboo is considered less likely to spread uncontrollably and is often easier to contain within a designated area. It is often preferred for landscaping purposes when a more contained growth habit is desired.
2. Running Bamboo:
* Growth Habit: Running bamboo is known for its vigorous and expansive growth habits. It sends out long, horizontal rhizomes that can spread rapidly, often making it appear invasive.
* Rhizome Spreading: The rhizomes of running bamboo can extend far from the original planting area, allowing the bamboo to spread extensively and colonize new areas. This can lead to the formation of dense bamboo thickets if not properly managed.
* Growth Rate: Running bamboo tends to have a faster growth rate compared to clumping bamboo. It can produce new shoots and culms at a relatively rapid pace, resulting in the bamboo spreading more quickly.
* Containment: Controlling the spread of running bamboo requires specific management techniques such as installing root barriers or regular rhizome pruning. Without containment measures, running bamboo can be challenging to control and may encroach on neighboring areas.
It's important to note that while these characteristics generally apply to clumping and running bamboo, there are various species and cultivars within each type that may exhibit slight variations in growth habits and spreading tendencies. It's always advisable to research specific bamboo species before selecting or planting them to ensure they align with your intended use and the desired growth characteristics.

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