Being In His Presence | AS BOLD AS LIONS DEVOTIONAL | June 5, 2023

1 year ago

Being In His Presence | AS BOLD AS LIONS DEVOTIONAL | June 5, 2023

Blessed is the one You choose and bring near, to dwell in Your courts! We shall be satisfied with the goodness of Your house; the holiness of Your temple! Psalm 65:4

It is good to be in the presence of the Lord! It is a place our hearts should long for and yearn for. In His presence we are reminded of Who He is and who we are. Both things give a proper context to our relationship to our Heavenly Father. He is the perfect balance of love and justice. Mercy and righteousness. Grace and truth. Each time we are before Him we realize we are weak, small, and unable to walk on our own. But we see His strength and His might and it leads us to a place of fear and awe…a place that is good.

In Psalm 65 David starts out by giving the Lord praise. He is good and He is holy. David goes on to say that all creation is held together by the Lord. He establishes mountains, He stills roaring seas, He provides for crops and nourishes the land. It is Him Who holds it all together. In reading a passage like this, we are drawn once again to simply worship and acknowledge that the Lord is everything the word says about Him. We are compelled to want to know more about Him and seek Him beyond just a surface level. Today, may we be stirred to spend some time with Him just sitting at His feet in worship.

Question for today: No question for today but just urging us all to spend some time alone with the Father in prayer. Even just for 5-10 minutes; whatever can be spared.

Pray: Lord may I rest in Your presence today. Once again I want to know how great and awesome You are.

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