April 2023 2023 03 30 005

1 year ago

do you care about the air?
are you intelligent enough to use your "commonsense" to judge for yourself, or do you rely on the government to tell you what the air quality is?

most of the smoke you see is from corporate and government slash burning, though a portion is from the morons burning railway ties in the local mills all across BC and Canada bc government is in bed with these psychotic corporations run by people who don't care about the harm they do, they sleep like babies, laughing all the way to the bank: Soul Sellers.

The difference between complete combustion and incomplete combustion is smoke; smoke is unburnt fuel, consisting of compounds such as benzine, formaldehyde, and many many more toxic poison crap inundating your lungs, your bloodstream, your immune system, your child's immune system, even in the womb, which is why today 1-5 children are born with asthma and allergies. Toxic railway ties also have extremely toxic Elements not meant to be part of the natural cycle: lead cadmium mercury and so on...but the government has never tested WHAT is in the air, no they only test the size of particulate, golf ball sizes only - 2.5 micron. check the next video of their air quality monitoring system and you be the judge if should go jogging or let your kids ride their bikes in this soupy air.

and where are the professors who should be raising the alarm?
Metah the moron and most others are busy trying to ban wood stoves and residential wood burning. turning a blind eye to the real criminals placing themselves above the law, FABRICATING science to fit their narrative for convenience and profit.

check out www.championchimneyservices.com for the facts Jack.

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