Mette Frederiksen DANISH PM - Confronted - This man represents a man after my own heart

1 year ago

Brave, Forceful, Peaceful & Confronting of these people that are actively subverting our Governance, FREEDOMs and RIGHTS.. And are covering up the crimes committed during the COVID-19 health scam .. Yes, the cover-up and continued cover-up of MASS DEATH due to the SHOTs. Not a virus, Nay - Murder by the STATE — What swine these people truly are. — Note the RED slogan - A ARDERN CLONE almost - Yes, this Mette Frederiksen does have a page in the WEF Web Site..Without doubt a operative of the WEF and their Globalist Agenda.. To Digitally Enslave Humanity — Everyone in NZ should confront ARDERN in the same way... She has to operate in the public arena. Lets make it as uncomfortable as possible... And SEEK THE TRUTH from her. They only get away with their crimes because we, as FREE MEN and WOMEN —- NEVER confront, expose and hold them to account for their actions —- BRING ON THE NZ ELECTIONS —

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