While THE landlord openly flaunts robing $200 A month! from Disability basic Needs.

1 year ago

&200 Stolen off a disability Basic needs check !! This Person Who's job it is To gaslight & to try & place you in the worst light THE court can see especially when they can see that they are in the wrong to an embarrassing degree, Show ing Their clear & will full ignorance toward , THE Peace & sobriety I wish to live My life in !!!! $200 A human being is suppose to get angry when they are being starved & Frauded & extorted as well as all THE Minorities & Disabled & elderly & infirm around me around them While you lie & do less than nothing !! That is what They doing together , THE Criminally by refusing to prosecute !!! Fraud extortion Outright robbery! His forms are all Fraudulent saying showing he is from THE boars of tenants while it is not even a mailed letter !!!! from no-one!!!!! We are grandfathered in , So you know the motivation, So do not talk to me about Anger I have been for over three years calling the police !!Time & time again , & I have them saying in a conversation you can hear fine these are Fraudulent forms , All Of his forms are they are not letters They are not mailed from THE tribunal !!! He out right Forgeries !!! these forms are fraudulent , get a lawyer or something , THE fact you will not stop or even warn him , In addition to working with him also having him Be escorted By a police officer to deliver his Robbery Extortion forms !! In order to trick the people more !! While THE forms are all Still Not real !!!!

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