Let Me Explain TO you How Courts Actually Mute/Moot Their own Authority in a way you can use

1 year ago

THe court system askes That everyone Promise TO lie , knowing a promise is a Lie While Time Binds THE Soul in a Mortal Coil To THE Soil. Their fore all testimony & anything sworn is are already by THE Fact ! Of THE Matter, THose Of us With High enough degree's to know this, are not to have it used against us because we know THE Court Itself has no ability to tell the truth on anything . everything is conjecture & heresy, everyone's testimony already being invalidated by the fact that they Swore to tell THE truth , Which is THE same in THE scripture , ( WHICH GOD MAKES ABUNDANTLY CLEAR IS Practicing EVIL ) ( THE Oaths , THE Swearing . ) & THEIR FOR THE SCRIPTURE SAYS , THE Very Courts Are THEIRS, NOT HIS!! ( You will BE held Up In "Their Courts" as a Testimony For ME THE GREAT I AM ) , ( Truth, LOVE , ETERNAL SPIRIT , LIVING WORD ) . ( Anything beyond IS EVIL , THIS is WHAT THE WORD OF GOD SAYS , THEY Propose a vain thing which they cannot do , Which IS said in this Phrase knowing , ( It IS THIS COURTS INTENT TO Gain Though Evil & Lies a testimony against, A Man THEY WILL HOLD YOU UP TO THEIR COURTS ! SO TO PURGURE YOURSELF IN THEIR COURT ATTEMPTING TO LIE WITH THEM FOR THEY ARE FULLY AWAIRE IT IS A LIE , A Lie Which IF you agree to means you are a liar , a con man , or to ignorant in THE matter for it to matter. On things involving Law By means of illiteracy & poor education. SO Do you get it yet ? THE Word OF God States it clearly , Yet Do any of your Pastors Preach this------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ truth? THE Truth that You are THE Ones allowing & Continuing R-ape & starvation OF THE Poor Elderly & THE Disabled. They do not recognize Aman Because They are a dead entity, I can maneuver in Hell Though because I have actual Business Their , THE Truth May be spoken to THE others , Who do not know , I am leaving I am always leaving TO Go higher. In Word & upwards within THE Kingdom OF GOD. Because Our Spirit's are Perfected in Christ ! They can only Kill THE Body! You are not to fear them or make any qualms , know what they do be aware of who you are IF you believe in your heart you are being called In Truth , THE Fact OF THE Matter That You Do Understand actually after making it known That THE powers extended to THE court , THE Actual GOD OF THE UNIVERSE GIFTS US individual TALENT, WHICH THEY CANNOT TAKE AWY , YOUR ABILITY TO DIE doing GODs Will WHICH IS anything you Feel You must Do In Christ . FOR All THINGS are LAWFULL FOR YOU . THE COURT IS WELL AWAIRE EVERYTHING SWORN IN IS EVIL FOR IT IS Not Your WORD IT IS IS AN Imposable Lie, So understand you are being assaulted by the court make no doubt & THE entities Working For IT Are What you would call Un-alive Working in a dead capacity Retrieving Only THE dead Flesh , REMEBER MY Line !!! DEAD SKIN ON TRIAL !!!!! FOR WHAT IT"S WORTH ( THE CHILD OF GOD ) IT WAS WORTH ALL THE WHILE ! Well put your dead rag's on Come Join THE Hop! Were going to have some fun Till THE Clock is Done!

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