When REAL Chaos Erupts - What to Do

1 year ago

Mark Blackard has extensive experience in real combat hot zones, as well as being a world traveler. This man's advice could vary well save your life.

" It doesn't matter how many cans of soup you have stored down in the basement. Once society truly starts to break down, you WILL be forced to leave your 3,342 rolls of toilet paper behind. Getting away from the chaos EARLY is your best bet at survival. It doesn't get more complicated than that. No amount of 550 cord, duct tape, whistles, compasses, solar ovens, generators, MRE's, etc., in your basement are going to save you. Putting time and distance between you and the threat should be the priority. In simple terms, if it looks like trouble is coming your way, get the hell out of Dodge before everyone else does. Let the hungry mobs fight it out over the 300 boxes of cereal in your buried school bus."

“A prudent man foreseeth the evil, and hideth himself; but the simple pass on, and are punished.” Proverbs 27:12

It may be a wise idea to procure for yourself gas containers and fill them with gas and fuel stabilizer, so the gas will stay good for some time. Ideally, you want 2-3 car tanks worth of gas to get yourself FAR away from any population centers in the U.S., as it could be very likely the grid goes down and the service stations without power can't pump gas. Depending on what is going on such as a full scale military attack, if your in the U.S., Mexico might not be a bad idea. Let the Holy Spirit guide you.

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QrSZj62bmdA

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