Teach the Controversy

1 year ago

Like and subscribe. This is an archive channel, i'm not the owner of the content, check the link in the end. I believe that the human race is currently going through growing pains. The bible was written by a bygone culture, and we are having trouble letting go of it. We are experiencing a temporal culture clash. To use the bible's words...it is time for us to put away childish things. We can't allow ages-old superstition to impede our progress.

*The bible does clearly state that this ritual "cleanses leprosy". But what is "cleansing"? Let's look to Matthew 8:2-4, Mark 1:40-45, and Luke 5:12-16. In those passages, Jesus is described as "cleansing the leper". for example, in Matt 8:3, Jesus HEALS a leper and these words are used to describe it: "Then Jesus put out His hand and touched him, saying 'I am willing; be cleansed.' Immediately his leprosy was cleansed." The wording in Leviticus also uses the word "cleansed" as it describes cleansing the leper with this bird sacrifice procedure. Occasionally, leprosy has healed without treatment. If that happened it might have given some false credibility to the bird sacrifice. In most cases, however, it surely didn't work, but they might have believed it needed to be done - as with many superstitions. If the leprosy wasn't healed, it was "God's will" (punishment).

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