Old Fashion Masonic Podcast - Episode 13 – The Morgan Affair – A Masonic Murder Mystery

1 year ago

Mayhem, Murder and Masons! Were the Freemasons infiltrated? Russ, Brian and guest co-host Dave Thomas talk about The Morgan Affair. Ever heard of it? If not, follow along with the crew as the talk about rumors, facts, opinions and all of the noise surrounding that event that led to the forming of the Anti-Masonic Party in the 1800s.

On this episode of The Old Fashion Masonic Podcast, the Old Fashion Masonic Podcast crew takes a bit of a dive into The Morgan Affair. They pose questions like:
• Was William Morgan truly a Master Mason?
• If not, how did he get so deeply entrenched?
• Why was he shunned?
• Was he even a Captain in the War of 1812?
• Why was David Miller prevented from advancing in Masonry?
• Did they ever write the book exposing the Masons “secrets”?
• Was William Morgan killed?
• Did William Morgan skip town?
• There are multiple burial sites claiming to be that of William Morgan.

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This podcast reflects the views of only the members participating in the podcast. They do not necessarily reflect the views of their Lodge, Shrine Center or Grand Lodge Jurisdiction.

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