“Episode 1” Maybe….

1 year ago

I’ll update this later but I’m gonna start going down the list of attorneys from the most high profile and prominent to any and all one can find anywhere in IL to show people what one not just in my position, but similar for the 65-150 million Americans going through this and not even knowing it. You see I know what they’re doing, I know how to fight, and they’re still fucking me over, so showing you half the equation of our own attorneys not doing their jobs and doctors as well, well…. That’s what you need to see. And I’ve got all those untapped hard drives full of footage loaded with this and what I speak of in the video too.

The people who are to hold them responsible don’t do anything either, being a criminal and a lawyer is a way of life like being a farmer in WI or something.

They’re everywhere and it’s an economy the state infected with runs and depends on like a parasite

Insurance / Pharma

So maybe we’ll complete the list and see who’s who, that way you don’t have to lose your time like I did. Start doing “episodes” and I’ll try to refrain from singing the blues though I have a right to (telling these marys off like their parents didn’t) while fighting for my life as they spit in my face with lies, yeah I’ll try to “hold that back” for you guys 😂🙄

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