AI, Digital ID, Cashless and Eternity...

1 year ago

We are living in very interesting times where everything is being put into place, where it will be even harder to live outside of the globalist system. The same shadow world government that organized the `covid plannedemic` on the entire world, is now orchestrating the so called `war` with Ukraine and using this `war` to impoverish the world. All the money being sent to Ukraine is to build a digital 5G country, the Russians are building 5G cities in the parts they control and Nato is building digital networks on their side of Ukraine. This shadow world government is using Russia, China and Nato to reshape the world into a digital system. The covid `jabs` are destroying millions of people worldwide, after receiving the `jabs` people have changed and have become docile and obedient, and millions more are suffering very serious consequences and are dying from all sorts of diseases! Most countries will be too weakened to resist what`s coming. We are in the last days of Earth`s History. It`s time to open your heart to Jesus and stand strong in Him. The digital system they are setting up, will totally enslave us, you must decide will I bow down to this, or finally make a stand...

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