Rep. George Santos's Indictment Is Intriguingly Timed

1 year ago

05/09/2023 【Miles Insight】Last Friday, Rep. George Santos met with NFSC representative Brother David and expressed his dissatisfaction with the unfair treatment of Mr. Miles Guo by the US justice system, saying he would take action against the miscarriage of justice. Just one working day later, he was indicted, and the mainstream media used his words for the reporting. The timing of these events is quite intriguing.
#FreeMilesGuo #FreeYvetteWang
05/09/2023 【Nicole看七哥】上周五桑托斯议员刚刚与新中国联邦代表长岛哥会面,并为郭文贵先生鸣不平,表示会对美国司法不公采取措施。而就在一个工作日之后,他就被起诉,并被主流媒体引用他的话来报道。这个时间点耐人寻味。
#释放郭文贵 #释放王雁平

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