RedFall has an update and it made the Game Better. Too little Too late?

1 year ago

RedFall has an update and it made the Game Better. Too little Too late?
My Goodness, what a difference a patch could make for a game. All it took was a few days. So if RedFall came out this week instead of last week, would it have been a Good Game?
No, because it still has major issues. The frame rate is still 30fps or below, they promised 60fps, so that was a lie. The world is more populated now, aiming is better.
The Bad Where I did not experience any game breaking issues in my first video, this one had 3 game breaking instances. 2 were captured in the recording & the 1st was playtesting, my game crashed & shut down.
Also, the 1st hour is severely boring, that needs to be fixed but it would require redoing that part of the game, it was way to dialogue heavy & low energy.
I would not have recommended the game prior to the patch but this is at least a better game play experience.

#redfall #redfail #gamepass #xboxseriesx

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