Encouraging WORD: MY WORD IS COMING TO PASS - Not Merely Coming Together!

1 year ago

Aloha & Praise the LORD!
The Spirit of the LORD is speaking to ALL who have ears to Hear HIM and hearts to Receive From HIM! Though when I receive a word from the Spirit of God it's not always meant to be shared, but rather a word for me in my life and circumstances - there are these times when He directs and prompts me to share them with you all.

And at times, these words may not be all that 'easy' to share - but trust me - when the Holy Spirit prompts me or prompts you to share what He has put into your heart to be shared with others, YOU DO IT! This is one of those times and these words are a few of those words that I know in my spirit I am to share with others!

It will bring blessing to the hearer and sobering to those who may choose to shrug it off - IT IS A WORD THAT IS NOT ONLY COMING TO PASS - BUT, IS A NOW WORD! Gods' Blessings, Aloha, and Shalom!
(Romans 3:4; 2 Corinthians 1; John 14:6-17)

PLEASE BE SURE TO WRITE US, EMAIL US; send your Testimonies of what God is doing in your life and let us know how these words help you - Also - as GOD puts it into your heart - we gratefully receive tithes, offerings through our website/app/text. Mahalo for Your Giving and Your Sharing!
webpage/app: kapenawrightministries.org
ROKU-TV: Kapena Wright Ministries
YouTube: alohakap1
TruthSocial: KahuSkip

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