Secret Singer's Diet The PROS Use - Ken Tamplin Vocal Academy

1 year ago

In this video, we will learn about foods to avoid and foods to seek out to help us with our singing voice! Feed your Voice!

Secret Singer's Diet The PROS Use - Ken Tamplin Vocal Academy

It's a known fact that nutrition is key for immune function in the overall health of our bodies, which certainly includes our voices.

It's also a known fact that there are some foods that are worse than others for singing.
For example, inflammatory foods can cause the vocal cords to become inflamed and not function at maximum capacity.

Some of those foods include:
1.) Red meat and processed meats, including bacon, hot dogs, lunch meats, and cured meats
2.) Refined grains, including white bread, white rice, pasta, and breakfast cereals
3.) Snack foods, including chips, cookies, crackers, and pastries
4.) Sodas and other sweetened drinks
5.) Fried foods.

In addition, other things, such as alcohol and caffeinated beverages, can dry out the vocal folds and turn them into a leathery state, inhibiting their ability for resiliency, flexibility, and elasticity, which is absolutely necessary for good phonation or sound.

Many people have difficulties with dairy-related products, as they can produce considerable amounts of mucus that also can cause inflammation and keep the cords from having good cord closure.

In this video, we discuss some of the best ways to keep our vocal folds healthy and able to perform with accuracy and consistency, night after night.

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