Kirby Calhoun

1 year ago

As Christians, we have a responsibility to bless the Jewish people and pray for the peace of Jerusalem. Throughout Scripture and in today's world, Israel remains God's chosen people group--which is the underlying reason that they are the most hated and persecuted nation around the world. Without them, we wouldn't have our Messiah, the written Word of God, or the Church.In this episode of Courage Over Cowardice, Kirby Calhoun and Pastor Sam Masteller review history and warn against repeated patterns and behaviors in society that parallel acts in the 1930s, leading up to the holocaust. In contrast, we must know God's Word, stand for Truth, and support Israel to continue to experience God's blessing--as He promises in Genesis 12.

Kirby Calhoun serves as a Ministry Engagement Coordinator. He is a thirteen-year Army combat veteran. During his military career, he served as a human intelligence collector and then went on to become a special forces communications sergeant. He deployed to Iraq in support of OIF 07/08, to Afghanistan in support of OEF 12/13, and to Colombia in 2014 in support of a Counter-Narcotics mission. Kirby published his testimony in 2019: Single Set of Bootprints: A Story of a God-made Green Beret. He earned his B.A. in Maritime Studies, minoring in history, from the University of West Florida. During his time at UWF, he founded the CUFI on Campus chapter and has been a Congressional Liaison since 2018. He and his wife Tara have two wonderful children and live in the Florida Panhandle.

Sam Masteller is the Senior Pastor at Freedom Life, a network of churches that exists to help people experience the freedom and life only God can offer. Sam has a passion for using what is relevant to teach what is timeless. He is dedicated to encouraging others to greatness in God and infusing their faith so they may fulfill their potential in God’s Kingdom. He has authored two mini-books, The Game Plan & Momentum, to help individuals jumpstart their lives and move forward even when life seems stuck.

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