Auto car servicing. Car body shop. Cartoon for kids 5 years old in English Cars for kids video

1 year ago

Auto car servicing. Car body shop. Cartoon for kids 5 years old in English Cars for kids video

Hi boys and girls! I’m Handy-Andy and this is my little old car. It is such great weather today. It would be great to go to the park.
Are you coming with me? All right. Let’s start the car and go.
Ohhhh! What happened? Why isn’t the car working?
Let’s see, open the hood. So first we have to check spark plugs. They are in the engine. Spark plugs should make spark which sets fire to the gasoline and that is what starts the engine.
If spark plugs are dirty, there won’t be a spark. And the car won’t start. Let’s take the spark plugs out……..Sure look dirty! We should clean them carefully and put them back! Let’s try to start the car again.,,,,,,,,,,clisk,,,click ,,click ,,,,buzzzzzzzzzzz !! Ohhhh No!…it isn’t working again ,,,,,anyway what next?
Ok. Heres an idea ! Let’s check the battery because it might be dead.,,,,yes I was right , Sure – completely dead! Let’s try the charger cables, and connect it to the battery. There are special gadget grips for its connection. They are red and black. So it’s charging. Look my friends - There are special green lines that show the level of charging. When the whole lines are green that means the battery fully charged. We need a bit more longer line ……… ready ...? Let’s put the battery back into the car. Hooray! We did it! We started our car and it can take us to the park with no problem now !
I’m driving slow because my little car is old. Oops! I hear the sound of a siren behind – it’s the police car. Got to go a little faster carefully, because we should give it the road. If there is a special sound and the lights are on - it means the police are in a hurry to help somebody. Other drivers have to give it the road like we are doing as well .
Here is the taxi, and also in a hurry somewhere. Ok, I’ll give the road to it too. Look my friends - this car has black-and-yellow rectangle on the roof with the sign TAXI. A Taxi is the car that takes passengers to the their destined addresses . And passengers pay the taxi driver money for that because thats his job.
The taxi and police drove faster and better than me. I feel a bit sad – all cars go so fast, but I go so slow like a turtle. (upset) I’ll go a bit faster so I dont disturb or upset anyone. (enthusiastic, optimistic)
We are going faster and faster……oh……..what was the strange sound for? The car has a flat tire. Handy-Andy didn’t see the road sign that informs about holes on the road. (The voice of author – more serious than Handy-Andy) And the old tire burst. ka bang!! What can I do now? First thing I shoulddo is turn on the emergency signal lights – Look, the headlights are blinking with cool orange light. Also I should put the emergency sign behind my car, so other drivers can see that there is some problem on the road. Probably I should call the big evacuator transport truck to take my car to the garage. But wait a minute!!!! I have a spare wheel in my trunk ! How could I forget it?!!! We can change the flat tire and continue our trip! Silly me ,,Time to get working!

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