Goddess Isis Transmission: Reclaiming the Fragmented Self

1 year ago

In this remastered transmission (originally recorded and uploaded June 2017) , we call upon the Great Goddess Isis to create a temple of light in our energy fields. Isis appears as a throne of light and upon that throne we begin the healing and reclaiming process. In this (remastered) transmission, we call upon the Great Goddess Isis to heal our past, clear ‘lower’ energies and to call back fragmented soul light. This transmission works specifically in healing trauma to our most vulnerable aspects, young adult, adolescent, child, and the part of us that spent in the womb of our physical mother.

Isis was first an Atlantean High Priestess of the Alta Ra priesthood who ruled the Egyptian colony after the sinking of the Motherland, Atlantis. In time, her memory merged with the archetype of the Great Mother Goddess. This combined archetypal Goddess energy of Isis entered Christianity through the cult of the Virgin Mary that spread throughout the Roman Empire. The Goddess Isis is known as the feminine archetype for creation, motherhood, healing and magic.

Details - https://thesoulmatrix.com/2023/05/10/goddess-isis-transmission-fragmented-self
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