Can we inherit ptsd from our parents?

1 year ago

We are walking around with unseen yet exposed emotional and psychological wounds, inherited from our parents, grandparents and #ancestors which is beyond wild if you really sit and think on it.

Not only do we have to try to process and work through the #trauma experienced in our present incarnation (not to mention that of our past lives as well,) we also carry on our backs the trauma of those in our genetic line as well. Seriously the more I think about it the more I’m just mindblown. Like, no wonder people are the way they are…no wonder the world is the way it is. And yet we still rise.

Research into the field of #epigenetics as it relates to #mentalhealth is promising. Plant and FUNGI medicine (🍄) are showing some promise for helping with #ptsd and #trauma, which is great news.

The book IT DIDNT START WITH YOU was an eye opener for me on the topic, which led me to the work of #DrYehuda and her work with veterans and #inheritedtrauma. Definitely worth checking out.

Knowing this (when I can remember to put this knowledge into practice) was/has been helpful in developing compassion for members of family as well as people I interact with. As well as my self, tbh. Hope this helps someone.

#selfhelp #mentalhealth #conscious #consciousness #psychology #bookstagram

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