Using Physics To Explain Reincarnation (A metaphysical play of cause and effect.)

1 year ago

As I have no definitive proof that this world/dimension/plane is some sort of #prisonplanet set up by #aliens or #archons, I will continue to speculate and pose open-ended theories as to the nature of our reality. Because, why not? What else is there to do but #philosophy?
And one of my favourite things to do is blend theories of #quantumphysics with #metaphysical ideas. This is an old vid but the approach here was: could I use #theoreticalphysics to explain #karma and #reincarnation.
I do think it is very important to avoid trapping one’s mind in any particular #realitytunnel (as described by #robertantonwilson.) Speculate, but try not to fixate. Because reality has a very uncanny way of showing you EXACTLY what you believe it is…which in itself is quite fascinating and speaks to the power of the mind-reality connection.

Some of my videos WILL contradict each other because they reflect whatever state of mind I was in in that particular moment in spacetime and that’s okay. The idea behind it all is to expand the mind and think freely :)
I’ve often wondered if maybe existence itself is “god,” or a #superintelligence, and the process of #involution and #evolution is how it “breathes…”

Oh one more thought: While cause precedes effect, It’s not necessary that cause has to be in the past. (Think of the cat analogy.) The Cause of a present effect may very well exist in the future…which is why it helps to throw out the idea of a linear flow of time. #retrocausaliy is such a fun idea!

#quantumphilosophy #technophilosophy #timeisanillusion #quantumphysics #quantumimmortality #philosophy #timeisanillusion #simulationtheory #infinity #multiverse #aliens #consciousness #manyworlds #freethinker #conscious #timeisanillusion #advaitist #nonduality #alanwatts #buddhism

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