Has Earth Already Been Invaded? And Where/When Could Aliens Be From?

1 year ago

Has Earth Already Been Invaded? And Where/When Could Aliens Be From? I’m gonna go with “yes, earth has already been ‘invaded,’ and if I had to guess I’d say by more than one invasive, #interdimensional species.” But that’s just my opinion…what do I know?
I will say, rant aside, #aliens aren’t going to show up on a #spaceship, land on the front lawn of the White House and say take me to you leader. That’s dumb lol.
If WE invaded another plane/planet/dimension, and we were technologically superior, how would we move? 🙃 I suspect we’d just act as if it was ours and take what we need.
I also suspect #theinvasion happened a long long time ago and we’ve just accepted what should be abnormal as normal. (See my #NOPE video.)
#theories #stories #philosophy #aliens #extraterrestrials #ufos #uaps #consciou #consciousness #spaceforce


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