God Now Forbids Jokes? #shorts #shocking

1 year ago

Ellen G. White claimed that joking, jesting and light-heartedness are one of the reasons sinners don't come to Christ. So, Christian, stop your joking around! Unbelievable...

"This spirit of jesting and joking, of lightness and trifling, is a stumbling block to sinners and a worse stumbling block to those who give way to the inclination of the unsanctified heart. The fact that some have allowed this trait to develop and strengthen until jesting is as natural as their breath, does not lessen its evil effects. When anyone can point to one trifling word spoken by our Lord, or to any lightness seen in His character, he may feel that lightness and jesting are excusable in himself. This spirit is unchristian; for to be a Christian is to be Christlike. Jesus is a perfect pattern, and we must imitate His example. A Christian is the highest type of man, a representative of Christ."—Evangelism, pg. 622

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